
ckan-wit is a metadata library for opendata portal. It is recommended as it’s a higher-level tool that simplifies metadata aggregation for common use cases across CKAN-compatible opendata portals. This installation process applies to the proof-of-concept for which the library is being built and therefore sticks to some pythonic environment settings to show how it can be installed and used.


Hey buddy, please, before you go any further, make ensure you have Python >= 3.6 and that it’s available from your command line. You can check this by simply running:

$ python3 --version

Set up a Project Directory

Simply create a directory where you want the project to reside:

$ mkdir my_project

Setting up a virtual environment

Set up your VENV where all the requirements.txt and environmental variables will reside.:

$ pip install --user pipenv


Don’t forget to activate the virtual environment

Installing the requirements/external dependencies with pip

Once set, with your venv still activated, simply do:

(my_virtualenv)$ pip install aiohttp[speedups]
(my_virtualenv)$ pip install requests

Installing ckan-wit with pip

The library is installed from the python packaging index:

(my_virtualenv)$ pip install ckan-wit

This installs the latest version of ckan-wit into the virtual environment you have setup.


After a successful install, simply import the package into your web application

>>> import ckan_wit.src.wit_main as wit

Start using it as:

>>> def index_page():
      resp = wit.ckan_wit_main() # returns all aggregated and filtered resources, currently supported by the library.
      return  resp

>>> index_page()

OR, use simple dictionary object and slice operations to return geographic-specific resources. To return resources that are found from open data portals in Africa, simply do:

>>> def index_page():
       resp = wit.ckan_wit_main()
       resp = resp['Africa'] # returns resources that are found from open data portals from Africa.

    >>> index_page()

To return resources that are found from open data portals in Europe, do:

>>> def index_page():
       resp = wit.ckan_wit_main()
       resp = resp['Europe'] # returns resources that are found from open data portals from Africa.

    >>> index_page()

To return resources that are found from open data portals in America, do:

>>> def index_page():
      resp = wit.ckan_wit_main()
      resp = resp['Americas'] # returns resources that are found from open data portals from America.

>>> index_page()

To return resources that are found from open data portals in Asia, do:

>>> def index_page():
      resp = wit.ckan_wit_main()
      resp = resp['Asia'] # returns resources that are found from open data portals from Asia.

>>> index_page()

See more from the Quickstart page …